100 Years Of Satyajit Ray

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কবিবিডি ডট কম
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Satyajit Ray (2 May 1921 – 23 April 1992), one of the greatest auteur directors of cinema history, is regarded as the beacon of Indian and henceforth the South Asian movies. Ray juxtaposed his Indian sensibility, philosophy and love for nature with his European sense of artistic acumen and technical nous that concocted an incredible blend of creation. His legacy, built upon the cinematic master class of the Apu Trilogy and other creations hoisted the rich heritage of Bengal and Indian culture in the modern cinematic universe to the summit. Satyajit is the greatest representative of modern Indian creators, who rose amidst the colonial era with the spirit of artistry and emancipation, along with Rabindranath Tagore.

T-Shirt Name : 100 Years Of Satyajit Ray
Designer : সব্যসাচী হাজরা    
Febric 160
Made By Bangladesh
  • সব্যসাচী হাজরা

    Sabyasachi Hazra did his bachelor's and master's degrees in Fine Arts (Drawing and Painting) from the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Dhaka. A prolific illustrator. with around 3,000 book cover designs under his belt, Sabyasachi has worked as the creative director for several dailies and weeklies.

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